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It is time to reveal our secrets to you.
From casting techniques to producing mesmerizing statues – Your career as a high-end vulva caster starts right here.


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Autonomy hard facts
Here is what awaits you

You do the vulva casting & you make the statue!

Prepare yourself for an immersive journey as we embark on a four-and-a-half-day intensive course at our Vulvarium studio located in Graz, Austria.

From Wednesday to Sunday, our days will be dedicated to hands-on practice, both as a group and individually, from 9:00 to approximately 18:00, with a lunch break at noon and an earlier wrap-up on Sunday. Throughout these days, we will guide you through each step of the craft –  from perfecting your molds to sculpting stunning vulva statues.

Additionally, ample time will be dedicated to theoretical knowledge, equipping you to conduct vulva casting sessions with individuals from all walks of life, and addressing essential business matters crucial for your future endeavors in this field.

This course is designed for everyone who wants to explore their own approach towards vulva casting as a profession, representing their own brand and business and therefore working full independently from Vulvarium.

We will share all the knowledge we have accumulated over the years with you and explain our way of doing things, creating a fundament for you to build on. After completing the course, we absolutely encourage everyone to discover their own approach, try new techniques and casting session setups.

If of interest, we are open to collaborating business to business with referrals, sales of materials and products and more. This only applies to vulva casters who represent our values and quality standards, shining through professionalism and empathy.

If you change your mind and want to become a Vulvarium representative, there is a possibility to do so. Simply contact us for information on our Switch Me courses.

In this course, you will dive into the fascinating art of vulva casting, equipping you with the skills to create stunning replicas of your clients’ vulvas. Through specialized body casting techniques, you will learn to capture every tiny detail—from shapes and sizes to textures and unique features like moles and scars while also fostering a safe and welcoming atmosphere, professionally holding the space for any emotions that may arise during the process.

Throughout the course, you will gain comprehensive knowledge of both the materials and techniques involved in vulva casting. You will have plenty of opportunities to practice by casting other participants and you will also experience the beauty and vulnerability of the process when it’s your turn to be cast.

Once you have mastered the mold making, we will continue to the captivating art of statue making. Over various hours of hands-on practice, you will learn the intricate steps of pouring, shaping, drying, refining, and embellishing your creations with paint or metal finishes. Be prepared for a lot of dust, sweat and fun.

Lastly, we will explore the business side of things, sharing our expertise in the field of vulva casting. Topics will range from data protection and logistics to social media content and networking.

To complete your course and receive your certificate, you will take on the challenge of holding a vulva casting session with a stranger. This final exam will allow you to show what you have learned, creating a beautiful mold while integrating the conversational tools and theoretical knowledge acquired throughout the course.

The investment for our Autonomy course is 5.900€, which can be paid in installments. This fee includes all course materials and scripts, various of your own vulva castings to take home with as well as a beautiful certificate of completion. Small snacks and drinks during breaks are also covered by this fee.

Please note that expenses related to travel, accommodation and meals are excluded from the price.

Course program

Mission & Values

Uncover how vulva castings can bring change to the world and explore the key values to maximize your positive impact.

Vulva Casting Technique

Learn how to master the technique of producing impeccable molds in multiple self-performed vulva casting sessions.

Statue Making Handcraft

From pouring and sanding to cutting and painting – we guide you through every step of crafting mesmerizing vulva statues.

Exercises & Sharings

Deepen the connection to your own vulva through exercises, sharings and group work, fully experiencing the power of vulva castings.

Expert Knowledge & Scripts

We equip you with the necessary know-how to professionally educate on vulva-related topics, laying the foundation for top-tier casting sessions.

Business Insights

Prepare for essential business insights drawn from our years of experience, guiding you to generate a lucrative source of income for yourself.

Final Exam

To receive your certificate, you will have to successfully hold your very own vulva casting session with a stranger on the last day of the course.


Graz, Austria

The exact course location will be communicated after the successful application.


Depending on the participants, the course will be held in English or German.

Selection Guide

Stuck between course options? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Our selection guide is designed to make your decision easier, providing a checklist that outlines why this course is the perfect fit for you or why you should maybe consider our second core program course “Version One Cooperation” instead.

  • If you have a passion for manual craftsmanship and enjoy creating vulva statues from start to finish, encompassing both casting sessions and the statue-making process.
  • If you aim to represent and operate your own brand or business autonomously (no cooperation with Vulvarium).
  • If you are already equipped with the essential resources for crafting plaster statues or are eager to set up your dream studio post-course (workstation, tools and materials, storage space, etc.).
  • If you are enthusiastic about marketing and have a clear vision for acquiring your vulva casting customers.
  • If you enjoy communicating with customers and shipping providers and find logistics intriguing.
  • If your interest lies in facilitating vulva casting sessions with clients and you prefer not to be responsible for crafting a high-quality statue.
  • If you aim to offer vulva castings with as little effort as possible (in addition to your current profession, due to a minimal amount of free time, etc.).
  • If you aspire to work together with an international company and are interested in becoming an official Vulvarium representative (shared branding & marketing strategies, international network, business consulting etc.).

    Does this column resonate with you? Then our Cooperation course  is the perfect fit for you.

organisational matterS
What you need to know.

As of right now, the courses are created for cis, trans and non-binary people who have a vulva themselves.

If you have a (neo)penis and want to offer vulva castings, please contact us. We are interested in extending our course program in the future and care about your thoughts and ideas.

Considering our use of plaster and spray paint, we advise bringing a 3M mask to your course. Alternatively, FFP2 masks can be used to protect you from dust and odors.

Since you will receive various unfinished casts of your own vulva to take home, please make sure to leave plenty of room in your luggage or consider bringing an extra piece.

Through participation in our core program course “Autonomy”, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in the training contract. This is important for both of us and clarifies the rights and obligations of both parties.

These include the application and implementation of Vulvarium’s values, strict adherence to confidentiality about course knowledge and techniques, B2B sale conditions as well as other agreements.

The full contract is available upon request at any time and will be sent to you right after your successful application. Additionally, there will be an opportunity for a one-on-one conversation to address any uncertainties and provide answers to questions.


The core program course costs amount to 3.900€ for Version One Cooperation and 5.900€ for Version Two Autonomy. The full amount is to be paid upon successful application to secure your spot.

Cancellation Policy:

For cancellations up to 60 days prior to the course date, a full refund of payment will be issued, minus a 100€ processing fee.

For cancellations up to 14 days prior to the course date, we will retain 50% of the payment, refunding the remaining 50% back to you.

For cancellations less than 14 days prior to the course date, we will retain 100% of the payment and no refund will be issued back to you.

Note that you have the option to find a replacement participant to take your course spot in case you need to cancel. However, your replacement must still undergo our application process and successfully pass it.

We as Vulvarium reserve the right to cancel the training up to 2 weeks before the course start date if the minimum number of participants is not met or if other essential changes are affecting the course’s practicability (such as events falling under force majeure). In such cases, the entire payment will be refunded, or the participant may secure a spot in the next available course.


In exceptional cases, we offer the option of installment payments. A deposit equal to 50% of the total course price is required upfront to secure your spot, with the remaining balance payable in installments. The full sum must be paid at the latest 14 days before the course start date.

You need help with your decision?

Feel free to contact us if you are unsure about which route to take
for your vulva casting adventure.